London 72-74 Dean Street, London W1D 3SG Our British base NEGRI FIRMAN PR & COMMUNICATIONS opened…
WORLDWIDE Our Network We believe in networking as one of the best tools in our…
New York 611 Broadway, Suite 613B The american wave Communication especially developed in New York for the…
Los Angeles 465 N Stanley Ave. - Los Angeles - CA 90036 Our West Coast base In…
Milan Via Morimondo 34 The window on the world NEGRI FIRMAN PR & COMMUNICATION Italian…
MILANO Via Morimondo 34, 20143 / Tel. +39 02 50020500 /
LONDON 72-74 Dean Street, London W1D 3SG, United Kingdom / Tel. +44 084 35572394 /
LOS ANGELES 465 N Stanley Ave. - Los Angeles - CA 90036 / Tel. +1 424 333 1758 /
NEW YORK 611 Broadway, Suite 613B, New York - NY 10012 / Tel. +1 212 837 2720 /